When we discuss the role of the
financial planner I have said many times that the role of the financial planner
is not just about the performance of the money they invest. This is important
because this is often what they are judged on and actually it is the whole
package that is important. In this blog I just want to consider the importance
of performance because ultimately this drives the solution.
One of my favourite quotes from a
fund manager is that he prefers a get rich slowly strategy, now this is a very
contrarian view because actually as humans we are programmed to want to see our
wealth grow quickly (and certainly not fall).
Often patience is the name of the
game, take an example of a share I have been buying for about 12 months the
price has varied from 25p to 58p and during this time I have added to my holding.
I have researched this share carefully and I feel that at its current price it is
heavily undervalued, I suspect over the next 5 to 10 years it could go to £2
plus. During this journey it will fluctuate but I am prepared to be patient.
This is not easy because you get
excited when it goes up and gloomy when it goes down and often you sell or buy
at the wrong time, the key is the end goal.
So why do I think this?
Ultimately if the adviser knows
what the goals are then they should be able to develop a portfolio which can
deliver those goals. This is key when we consider a team, when we sit down and
create our portfolios we know in certain periods certain funds will perform
better than others, this is important because it doesn’t mean that we are
picking a poor fund it means we know how the manager invests their money and we
are prepared to be patient for that return to come through. This means that
blended together we don’t try and pick a group of funds which will shot the
lights out in one go, but a blended group of investments which perform at
different stages of the cycle and provide long term out performance.
And this goes back to the team
analogy, we are not looking for star strikers but a mixture of good players,
perhaps unseen players, but ones who all have a track record and blended
together can deliver long term. We are also patient we know sometimes players
will underperform but we don’t rush to replace, we monitor and constantly look
for alternatives and challenge our thinking but we don’t rush in.
So financial planners can up
their game by controlling their investment proposition; the problem for some is
time and resource. The dilemma is to outsource to a discretionary fund manager,
or a risk asset fund range (to me these are the old managed funds but they do
have a place). However, these propositions can be expensive and the financial
planner has no control over the players. Even choosing an off the shelve
package doesn’t solve the problem because you have no knowledge about the
I believe the financial planners
who play the game will win in the long run, just sometimes they have to be a
bit more creative like the Wigan’s of this world.